Essential Readings

Plastics FAQ

The Beyond Plastics Syllabus

False Solutions

FAQs on Plastics

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Start Walking the Walk

Top 10 things you can do as an individual consumer:

  1. Take a pledge... for yourself or your campus
  2. Say no to plastic cutlery 🍴
  3. Buy clothes/textiles with natural fibers 👖 - Link
  4. Reusable shopping bags
  5. Choose refillable water bottles, cups
  6. Go on a plastic diet! Buy less food/products in plastic packaging and polystyrene
  7. Start a family or community garden
  8. Support one of these amazing Import Oct 31, 2020
  9. Pick up littered plastic, put it into a managed wastestream
  10. Challenge your family and friends to do the same! See next section...

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