Page purpose: track campaigns, successes, innovations

Recycling symbol promotes consumption!

consumers feel comfortable using a larger amount of a resource when recycling is an option

The Behavioral Economics of Recycling

Other biases: waste with identifiers (e.g., Starbucks cup with one's name) gets recycled more, but distorted / crushed stuff not so much!

Education: see plastic pollution not as a standalone issue but as new factor in complex web of life

Example: the "David Attenborough effect"

🌏Read the impact report of "One Planet" and survey results on awareness

❓How to govern greed, or as Sir David puts it, "show mutual restraint" ❓

Understanding Greenwashing

FTC Green Guides help marketers avoid making environmental claims that mislead consumers. Claims of greenwashing should tie back to this guidance. Public comments are always needed.

Green Guides

Eco-Friendly and Green Marketing Claims

Pledges for Individuals

such as this one from Ocean Conservancy

Climate Awareness & Action

Why do people fail to take action on the climate, even when they understand the stakes? Here are two compelling lectures:

  1. Psychology of Climate Inaction,” Kate Jeffery, Ph.D., Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience (11/12/2019)
  2. “Deny Much? Climate Inaction and the Psyche,” Lise Van Susteren, M.D., Climate Psychiatry Alliance (9/29/2021)